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Helen Wu Tai-Chi Studio



Therapeutic Chi-Kung    醫療氣功    The True Source of Tai-Chi    真源太极

Flying Rainbow Tai-Chi & Kung-Fu Fan 飛虹扇功   

Wang’s Traditional Shao-Lin Kung-Fu 王氏傳統少林功夫

Grandmaster Helen Wu – Flying Rainbow Tai-Chi Fan

Chinese Martial Arts & Chinese Medicine
Combined Teaching System 


“Wu Yi Jie He,” translated as “Chinese Martial Arts and Chinese Medicine Combined Healing System.” It is a method within which healing and training are combined together for prevention of illness and to promote health. Among the founders of this system, some have been known as martial artists, some as doctors, others as both martial artists and doctors, but without exception, each person had been trained in both martial arts and Chinese medicine.

Also, three generations of people added to martial arts, medicine and to cultivation, making it more complete. The original creators developed their forms from the martial arts and then took their learning to hospitals and to universities and teaching systems. They brought these martial arts and healing arts from China to the rest of the world. 

王氏武医结合的教学体系, 是武术与中医相结合的自我保健,防病治病的有效疗法。始于1928年,它在中国的中医与武术专业领域中,贡献卓越。成功地塑造了一大批优秀的,防病治病的教学及医疗工作者。自1984起,王氏传人们已将其传播于世界各国,因此它源于中国,终能造福于人类。

Special Message from Grandmaster Helen Wu:

It is my hope that this system can be passed on to any sincere practitioner who recognizes the value of good health, self-discipline and the preservation of authentic, traditional arts for quality of life.

There is an old Chinese poem that describes strength of character by invoking two different images: Strength of character is like a fine sword blade, which is tempered in fire. But it is also like the plum blossom, which produces a sweet scent in February, when it is cold and snow lies on the ground.

I left Shanghai Teachers University in 1989 and came to North America. I experienced a culture shock in what was an entirely new and challenging environment. That old poem suddenly meant so much to me, as I found myself growing and maturing in response to the trials I faced. My experiences in North America, the challenges and the adversity have helped to temper my spirit….

The School of Kinesiology and Health Science at York University, Canada, has greatly broadened my ability to help people enhance their health and well-being, and to train the young people who will have to much to offer this nation in the field of health care. I am so happy that the eastern martial and healing arts are receiving the academic recognition they deserve.

Finally, I hope our programs will serve as a companion for you as you set out on your journey of discovery in Tai-Chi, Chi-Kung and traditional Kung-Fu

“合抱之木,生於毫末;九层之台,起於累土;千里之行,始於足下。慎终如始,则无败事。” 但愿我们大家都能慎终如始共同攀登 “练功养生,祛病延年”高峰!

Thank you very much for your support!    感谢您的关注与支持!

Helen Xiao-Rong Wu 吳小蓉 , Instructor of Tai-Chi & Kung-Fu

* School of Kinesiology & Health Science, York University, Canada (2003-2024)

* Teacher of Sports Medicine at Shanghai Teacher’s University in China (1982-1989) 


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